Catch me hosting TYT Community On YouTube 2.20.14


We’ll be talking tonight about conservatives intentionally misinterpreting polls, World Net Daily vs Google, and finally a Georgia confederate group gets a special license plate.

Please join us at 9 PM EST.

And please subscribe to my YouTube channel and support me at

First Around The Nation Podcast 2.19.2014


Hey everyone I have just released my first Podcast version of Around The Nation. Feel free to take a listen and enjoy.

[audio ]

If you like this make sure to support me by signing up to be a patron at and watch my YouTube show at



Around The Nation will become an audio only Podcast.

I’ve been seriously considering what the next step for my show would be. For those that don’t know, putting together a live stream with graphics and bells and whistles takes a MOUNTAIN of work. I found myself putting so much time and effort into the production value of the background, the graphics, and the videos and whatnot, that the content sort of lagged behind.

That’s NOT the way I want my show to be, I’d rather not be like Wolf Blitzer thank you. I want to focus on substance. I want to be entertaining & informative. Not drab and boring and surrounded by pretty graphics. 


With YouTube being so fixated now on video production value, and my budget being…well non-existent for the time being, I’ve decided to move my solo show “Around the Nation” to an audio only format. Not only will it save me time, it will open up many options for me to grow as a presenter. 

I want to present news, give my opinion on it, and hopefully teach someone something, or help change the world. I can’t do that while being caught up in an ever losing rat race of prettier graphics and bullshit that I just can’t afford to do. 

I do hope everyone sticks with me as I transfer over to this new format, and here’s to hoping it will open new doors. 

Remember, I can’t do this without you guys.