Catch me hosting TYT Community On YouTube 2.20.14


We’ll be talking tonight about conservatives intentionally misinterpreting polls, World Net Daily vs Google, and finally a Georgia confederate group gets a special license plate.

Please join us at 9 PM EST.

And please subscribe to my YouTube channel and support me at

First Around The Nation Podcast 2.19.2014


Hey everyone I have just released my first Podcast version of Around The Nation. Feel free to take a listen and enjoy.

[audio ]

If you like this make sure to support me by signing up to be a patron at and watch my YouTube show at

Tired of Anti-Science People


vaccineYesterday I read an article from my home state that honestly shocked me. I live in Michigan and as far as knew, current governor notwithstanding, Michigan was a solidly progressive state. The home of big labor unions, the UAW, we have a large Muslim community that was far too normal for reality TV and (most) people were accepting of them. We voted solidly blue for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. 

So I guess it struck me when I read about the large anti vaccination movement happening here in Michigan. It’s so bad that we’re the 4th highest state in America for people not vaccinating their children because of a personal or ‘religious exemption’.

Give me a freakin’ break!

So let me get this straight, you want to leave your kids’ life in God’s hands?

Okay fine, your kid is your kid. So when you say that “I should have the choice whether or not I want to immunize my children” You’re really saying that It’s cool if my kid gets Polio, or measles, or whooping cough or the myriad of other diseases that had once been nearly eliminated because of vaccination, but hey it’s my choice.

If it just affected you and your (poor) kid okay. Personally I think NOT vaccinating your child should be considered child abuse and neglect, but that’s just my opinion.

Personal opinions aside the danger of not vaccinating your children comes from the effect on other children. Especially children too young to be vaccinated. There is something called the “herd immunity” It’s a pretty stupid name that pisses off most people because of individualism or something. Basically it’s a concept that if the majority of the people are immunized from these diseases, then they protect those are who cannot be immunized.

It comes down to the majority offering immunity to those who don’t have it by keeping infection rates low among the general populace. It’s math. If  less people get polio, there is a smaller chance of polio spreading to new people.

This is the central concept of immunization. Research from Johns Hopkins medical center show that a disease doesn’t spread as long as 93-95% of people are immunized from it.

But because so many people are refusing to vaccinate their children, these diseases like whooping cough and measles, that kill babies mind you, are making a comeback. We nearly got rid of it, but now it’s making a comeback because of parents that have been fear mongered by Alex Jones and other ridiculous anti science, anti government conspiracy theorists.

“I don’t trust the government, and I don’t trust big pharma” are the common refrain from this rabble of fearful moms. Okay, I don’t trust big pharma either, but these vaccines work. It’s back to math. More people vaccinated = less deadly diseases. It’s that simple.

Another myth spread around is the idea that vaccines cause autism. No they don’t, there is no actual scientific proof of that.

This is where I get pissed off. I see people who are not scientists, who are not doctors, who are not knowledgeable in anything related to those fields, thinking that they’re experts and know what’s best not only for their own families, but humanity as a whole. Because not vaccinating your kid doesn’t just affect your kid. It affects everyone.

Regular people do not know better than scientists, or doctors. If they did, we would go to them for medical advice and treatment. It’s all ridiculous.

This is why I don’t want to start my family in Michigan, because someone else’s unvaccinated child could kill mine because of one parents’ decision to leave in the hands of God.

To them I say a hearty “Fuck You!”



Around The Nation will become an audio only Podcast.

I’ve been seriously considering what the next step for my show would be. For those that don’t know, putting together a live stream with graphics and bells and whistles takes a MOUNTAIN of work. I found myself putting so much time and effort into the production value of the background, the graphics, and the videos and whatnot, that the content sort of lagged behind.

That’s NOT the way I want my show to be, I’d rather not be like Wolf Blitzer thank you. I want to focus on substance. I want to be entertaining & informative. Not drab and boring and surrounded by pretty graphics. 


With YouTube being so fixated now on video production value, and my budget being…well non-existent for the time being, I’ve decided to move my solo show “Around the Nation” to an audio only format. Not only will it save me time, it will open up many options for me to grow as a presenter. 

I want to present news, give my opinion on it, and hopefully teach someone something, or help change the world. I can’t do that while being caught up in an ever losing rat race of prettier graphics and bullshit that I just can’t afford to do. 

I do hope everyone sticks with me as I transfer over to this new format, and here’s to hoping it will open new doors. 

Remember, I can’t do this without you guys. 

New Blog Site & FAQ


Hey Friends.

I’ve been busy setting up this new home for some of my content from TYT Nation. Somewhere to localize fans of TYT Community and Around The Nation.

Also, a dramatic announcement for Around The Nation in which I will create a second post.

First I’m sure you have some questions:

“Who are you?” I’m Jeff Waldorf, amateur political vlogger and manager of TYT Nation, part of The Young Turks Network.

“Why did you need a new home?” Well because I didn’t have an old one!

“What will this site be for?” This site will be for sharing my video content and my show, “Around The Nation”

“What is Around The Nation” It’s a YouTube Show I’ve been doing for quite some time on my own. It’s a progressive political vlog where I talk about news, politics, social issues, and a little bit of pop culture, from Around the Nation. Get it?

“Why so many puns?” Why not?

“Do you work for The Young Turks?” Yes and No,  I’m what they call an independent contractor. So I’m technically not an employee, I don’t get a salary. I manage TYT Nation, and in return I get a share of that channel’s revenue. This makes it really hard to make a living, and that’s why I have a fundraising campaign, so I can continue to manage that channel and do what I love!

If you have and questions please leave a comment here. And last but not least, welcome to my new home on the web!